
One of the reasons that I have no trouble writing to my colleagues in the symphonic world of conductors about Sonos, is I know conductors will think of a "handbell choir" the way I thought about a "handbell choir". It was not a pleasant thought. The thing about Sonos that is so impressive in the upper class music business is the combination of diligence and the fanaticism about what they are doing in order to learn all the pieces they learn, and to do it at the level that we, frankly, find astounding in these concerts we've done with Sonos.

The level of musical detail, the attention to that detail, and the striving for ever higher levels of technical and musical competence, is really impressive to those of us running symphony orchestras and we're not accustomed to being that impressed with anything.

Sonos actually impressed us in a way that takes us out of ourselves as symphonic musicians. We see something at a whole other level and, frankly think, if you could ever have an orchestra at that level of intensity, and be at that level of detail, you'd be doing very, very well. This is why Sonos is so impressive every time I see those guys do something. It was great when we had them with the symphony. It was great to see them with Garrison Keillor. We really don't expect that level of concentration and achievement out of anything, much less a handbell choir!

......I would not be more astounded if I were watching open heart surgery.

What Sonos has, that Kronos and Chanticleer have, is the fanaticism that really translates to the audience. This thing is at a completely different level than anything else we've ever seen called "handbells." It's this level of concentration that involves all of the players, so when we watch Sonos do their thing, we are really astounded!

Maestro Michael Morgan, Music Director and Conductor, Oakland East Bay Symphony
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